
RMI Update on ITSCI Recognition and Great Lakes Region Due Diligence

Jul 05, 2024

For the past three years, the RMI has had a long-term and extensive dialogue with ITSCI to discuss alignment assessments and upstream recognition terms. These discussions supported improved mutual understanding of our respective programs, helped the RMI understand clarifications needed in our systems and communications, and informed the RMI’s actions to support member and smelter due diligence in the Great Lakes Region.

However, important gaps remain in ITSCI’s fulfillment of recognition terms. In full review of information on ITSCI from the alignment assessment (AA), UN Group of Experts, RMAP smelters, and other independent reporting, the RMI considers that recognition of ITSCI would not serve the RMI’s mission to support regulatory compliance and responsible sourcing of minerals from CAHRAs at this time. The RMI is pausing consideration of ITSCI recognition for at least one year.

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The RMI Publishes Updated Downstream Assessment Program (DAP) Portfolio in Alignment with the OECD

Apr 01, 2024

The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) is pleased to share that the RMI’s Downstream Assessment Program (DAP) has launched an enhanced portfolio of documents in alignment with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains based on the outcomes of the OECD Alignment Assessment. On April 1, 2024 the RMI published the fully revamped Assessment Procedure and Guidance document, as well as refreshed DAP Criteria and Workbook with newly developed data points and guidance on DAP requirements for assessors, and a new training for DAP participants, prospects and assessment firms.

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Responsible Minerals Initiative Launches Network for Institutional Investors

Feb 13, 2024

The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) today announced the launch of the RMI Investor Network to advance responsible sourcing and further engage institutional investors crucial to the renewable energy transition.

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Status of ITSCI application for upstream recognition and support for smelter RMAP participation

Dec 18, 2023

The purpose of this update is to share information with supply chain actors and stakeholders impacted by ITSCI’s RMI recognition status and responsible sourcing from the African Great Lakes Region. As the RMI continues to await ITSCI’s response to recognition terms sent to ITSCI in September, this and additional communications to smelters shares information to help facilities prepare for RMAP assessments in 2024 in case ITSCI does not meet or does not respond to RMI recognition terms by the end of this year.

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RMI and the Copper Mark Publish Criteria for Responsible Minerals and Metals

Oct 19, 2023

The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and The Copper Mark today announced the launch of the RMI’s Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) and the RMI’s and Copper Mark’s joint Criteria Guide, version 3.0. The RRA Criteria and Criteria Guide are publicly available to all interested stakeholders.

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RMI Upstream Mechanism Recognition Update - June 2023

Jun 13, 2023

On June 8, 2023, the RMI received ITSCI’s OECD Alignment Assessment Report, together with ITSCI’s expression of interest to apply for RMI recognition. The RMI is sharing this update so smelters and auditors engaged in the Responsible Minerals Assurance Program (RMAP) and other stakeholders are aware of the upcoming schedule and implications for 2023 RMAP assessments.

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Responsible Minerals Initiative Standards Recognized by the London Metal Exchange

Apr 18, 2023

The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) today announced the RMI’s Global Responsible Sourcing Due Diligence Standard for Mineral Supply Chains - All Minerals has achieved recognition by the London Metal Exchange (LME). This is the sixth RMI standard to be conditionally approved by the LME and it is an important due diligence tool for battery materials and the green energy transition.

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ITSCI and the RMI Reach a Shared Understanding Regarding RMI Recognition

Jan 23, 2023

Through continued constructive dialogue, the International Tin Supply Chain Initiative (ITSCI) and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) have clarified and confirmed both organisations’ mutual understanding of the engagement, process, and commitments regarding the RMI recognition Process for ITSCI as an upstream mechanism.

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ITSCI and the RMI Engage in Constructive Dialogue

Dec 02, 2022

ITSCI and the RMI share the goal of enabling responsible sourcing and have engaged in a constructive dialogue regarding RMI recognition of ITSCI as an upstream system. Both organizations are committed to continue constructive engagement and communication, including with members, auditees, and stakeholders. To that end, ITSCI and the RMI held in-depth discussions last week to enhance common understanding of recognition and meaningful due diligence.

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