
The Responsible Minerals Initiative holds an annual conference in conjunction with the RBA's Responsible Electronics meeting. This event brings together representatives of industry, government and civil society for updates, in-depth discussions and guidance on best practices to help companies make informed choices about responsibly sourced minerals in their supply chains. In addition, RMI hosts a Seminar Series on current topics and offers various webinars throughout the year.

RBA and RMI Annual Conference 2024

Join us November 18-21 in San Jose, California for a world-class annual conference and experience for attendees, including members of the RBA and its Initiatives as well as non-member companies and representatives from industry, government, intergovernmental organizations, civil society and other key stakeholders.

As we did last year, we've combined the RBA and Responsible Minerals Initiative annual conferences to create one comprehensive event that will feature plenary and breakout sessions on labor and environmental issues critical to the entire value chain and your efforts to have a positive impact, followed by training and partner sessions.

RBA and RMI Conference Website

RBA and RMI Conference Agenda

All sessions are conducted under the Chatham House Rule.


Click HERE to register for the 2024 RBA and RMI Annual Conference.

Exhibit and Sponsor Opportunities

If you are interested in becoming an exhibitor or sponsor, please contact us.


The in-person conferences and training will take place at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, California. The conference sessions will also be broadcast live online.


San Jose Marriott
301 S Market St
San Jose, CA 95113

This hotel is adjacent to the conference center.



Please contact us.


Past Events

2023 RBA & RMI Annual Conference

Information on the 2023 RBA & RMI Annual Conference can be found here.

2022 RMI Annual Conference

Information on the 2022 RMI Annual Conference can be found here.

2022 RBA & RMI European Conference

Information on the 2022 RBA & RMI European Conference can be found here.

RMI and German Government Joint Virtual Conference

Information on "The EU Conflict Minerals Regulation: Perspectives from Producer Countries" conference can be found here.

2020 RMI Annual Conference

Information on the 2020 RMI Annual Conference can be found here.

2019 RMI Annual Conference

Information on the 2019 RMI Annual Conference can be found here.

2019 RMI Responsible Sourcing Summit in Berlin

Information on the 2019 RMI Responsible Sourcing Summit in Berlin can be found here.

2018 RMI Annual Conference

Information on the 2018 RMI Annual Conference can be found here.

2017 Annual Conference

Information on the 2017 Annual Conference can be found here.

CFSI-EPRM Responsible Sourcing Workshop

The agenda for the March 23, 2017 event is available here.

2016 CFSI Annual Conference

Information on the 2016 CFSI Annual Conference can be found here.

2015 CFSI Annual Conference

Information on the 2015 CFSI Annual Conference can be found here.


External Events

RMI frequently participates in events on responsible minerals sourcing issues -- check out where we'll be here: