Public Consultation

The RMI is committed to engaging external stakeholders in the development and oversight of the RMI's programs, assessment requirements, and guidance documents. The RMI will post any items for public and member review and comment on this webpage and will discuss these items on its quarterly multi-stakeholder call, member plenary call, and in other forums. 

The RMI’s Multi-Stakeholder Standards Advisory Committee is the key body focused on guiding the RMI standards development and revisions, as described in the RMI’s standards development process here, grounded in ISO and ISEAL code.  More information on the Multi-Stakeholder Standards Advisory Committee is available below.  


RMAP + ESG 2.0 - ESG Standard Revision 

Following the successful release of the RMI’s Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) in the fall of 2023, the RMI’s Multi-Stakeholder Standards Advisory Committee and staff are revising the RMI’s ESG Standard to support companies' preparedness for supply chain due diligence requirements, the EU Battery Regulation, EUCSDDD, the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, Forced Labor and other international regulation. For more information on the current RMI ESG Standard and Assessment process please visit the RMI ESG page.

The Revised Standard includes a modular approach. The modules are intended to follow the RRA 3.0 content/structure and include the following:   

  1. Facility Level ESG Management Systems Module: Revised existing RMI ESG facility-level standard to assess how a facility manages ESG risks related to its own operations and applicable to smelters, refiners, metal processors, recyclers, and downstream facilities.  
  2. ESG Supply Chain Due Diligence Module: A new Due Diligence module that covers ESG risk management associated with the sourcing of primary and secondary material.
  3. Supplementary Chain of Custody Tool: to validate from pinch-point level the mined material claims and declarations of recycled content as informed by EU Battery Regulation. For more information, please see slides from OECD Partner Session on the RMI ESG Standard Revision (May 23, 2024).



RMI requests Multi-Stakeholder Standards Committee and RMI Member feedback and expertise via the Initial Consultation Period.  

  • Multi-Stakeholder Standards Advisory Committee and RMI Member Consultations 
    • The initial consultation on the first draft of the ESG Standard revisions took place during a 30-day period between July 22, 2024 and August 22, 2024, with participation from RMI Members and the RMI's Multi-Stakeholder Standards Committee. 
  • Public Consultation 
    • Non-member stakeholders outside of the Multi-Stakeholder Standards Committee and the public may review and provide feedback on the draft of the ESG revisions during the public consultation period, which lasts 60 days, in alignment with ISEAL code. 
    • Timeline: Expected in Q4 of 2024 
  • Standard completion date is forthcoming


Multi-Stakeholder Standards Advisory Committee 

The composition of the Committee includes balanced representation from RMI’s internal and external stakeholders: RMI members representing upstream and downstream companies, auditees, auditors, NGOs, CSOs, rights holders, affected community representatives, experts, and academia. The Workgroup Charter is available here.


For questions, please contact: Maggie Gabos  


Past consultations

2021-2023: Revision of Risk Readiness Assessment