As a mining company in the DRC, Rwanda, Uganda or Burundi, where can I go for assistance to make sure my material will be accepted by the RMI?

For large scale mining (LSM) entities in the region, contact the RMI to work with them on establishing an acceptable CoC program that will conform to OECD requirements.

For artisanal and small scale mining (ASM) cobalt in the DRC, please contact RMI to learn about the ASM Cobalt Criteria and how the RMI is collaborating with the DRC Ministry of Mines on those efforts. Please visit the RMI ASM Cobalt page for more information.

The RMI currently recognizes the RCS Global Group / Better Mining, as well as the CRAFT Standard for upstream. Please visit the RMI upstream recognition page for more information. There are other organizations that can also support ASM activities and entities exporting ASM material in the African Great Lakes region, including ICGLR, ITSCI and PACT. Please visit their websites for additional information.