We want to conduct a conflict minerals inquiry using our own format rather than the CMRT. Is it recommended that we do that?

No. The RMI recommends conducting conflict minerals inquiries using the CMRT. Because an inquiry involves sharing of information across all relevant supply chains and supply chain tiers, adequate time is needed to conduct the survey, and a common set of tools facilitates the process. Furthermore, using a common exchange increases the accuracy and reduces the administrative burden for all companies involved, as well as increasing compatibility between completed forms. If you use a proprietary form, we recommend that it be constructed to allow responses to be submitted via the CMRT. Your company can then translate that information into your proprietary data configuration. More than 80 percent of the filers reference using the CMRT to collect data.

Additional information on the CMRT is available here: http://www.conflictfreesmelter.org/faqs.htm.